Our Mission
We believe that health care is a universal human need, and that a nation as strong and wealthy as the United States can and must provide its residents with high quality health care. We envision a health care system that is publicly financed and privately delivered—a system that includes everyone, uses money wisely, covers all medically necessary care, and lets individuals choose their own providers.
“Everybody in, nobody out”
In that spirit, the mission of the Illinois Single-Payer Coalition exists:
To promote the good health and welfare of all residents of Illinois and the nation by advocating for a single-payer health care financing system: comprehensive, equitable, not-for-profit, publicly financed, and publicly administered.
To support the implementation of such a system.
To promote strong civic/governmental oversight of the operation of the system.
What we do:
We are building a movement of individuals and organizations to promote and campaign for a single-payer health care system and to participate in its oversight.
We educate the public about the medical, financial, and societal benefits of a single-payer system.
We educate and work with legislators and community leaders to develop strategies for achieving a single-payer system.
We work with organizations throughout Illinois and the nation to mobilize support for a single-payer system.
Alderpeople Maria Hadden, 48th Ward, Daniel La Spata, 1st Ward, and Andre Vazquez, 40th ward have all signed onto our Chicago Resolution! Here’s what they have to say about their support: