ISPC Resolution Opposing War
January, 2024
WHEREAS Illinois Single Payer Coalition’s mission is to promote healthcare justice; and
WHEREAS, Illinois Single Payer Coalition is an organization dedicated to upholding the dignity of all humans; and
WHEREAS, Illinois Single Payer Coalition believes human beings everywhere have a right to safe environments that provide necessary human rights of food, water, clean air, housing, and healthcare; and
WHEREAS, economic violence, including sanctions, denial of workers' rights and safety, and the transfer of wealth, by any means, from the poor to the rich, kills people; and
WHEREAS, the weapons industry shares with the health insurance industry and the fossil fuel industry the sacrifice of people's health and lives in the interest of profit; and
WHEREAS, Illinois Single Payer Coalition works toward a world in which the manufacture and sale of weapons designed to kill people, individually or en masse, will be abolished; and
WHEREAS, the war in Gaza has caused death of over 24,000 human beings in 2023 as well as over countless humans wounded ; and
WHEREAS, the war in Ukraine has resulted in the injury or death of over a half a million human beings since 2022 with no end in sight; and
WHEREAS, war and economic violence are causing the displacement of millions of people, with great damage to their communities and their health; and
WHEREAS, war is a horrific assault to human life and the environments that sustain human life;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, THAT Illinois Single Payer Coalition, in solidarity with the international community, demands that the US Congress and the President immediately broker a ceasefire in Gaza
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Illinois Single Payer Coalition, in solidarity with the international community demands that the US Congress and the President immediately broker a ceasefire in Ukraine
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Illinois Single Payer Coalition supports the immediate cessation of the manufacture, sale, and export of all weapons
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Illinois Single Payer Coalition demands that the US engage with the international community to provide food, water, health care, safety, and other necessities to prevent further displacement of people and to support those already displaced
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Illinois Single Payer Coalition will oppose the violence of war in all its forms.