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Covid-19 Educational Event with Barrington Trustee Emily Young

Join us for an online educational event with Barrington, IL trustee, Emily Young!

COVID-19 has taken the world by storm this year. Countries have handled the virus with varying degrees of success. In the United States, we have seen deficiencies unique to our healthcare system: millions have lost their health care coverage, hospitals have laid off essential healthcare workers due to crumbling finances, states have competed for essential supplies, and patients have survived the virus, only to face catastrophic medical bills. And of course, these deficiencies, along with serious infections and deaths, have taken an outsized toll on people of color.

Illinois Single-Payer Coalition has an educational presentation to help us learn more about the unique challenges presented in the face of COVID-19, and how a single-payer system can mitigate them.

Join us! The call info is:

Topic: Fighting COVID-19 Presentation with Barrington Trustee Emily Young
Time: Sep 24, 2020 07:15 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Meeting ID: 924 6101 7356
Passcode: 102864
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Meeting ID: 924 6101 7356
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September 23

Virtual Medicare for All Townhall

September 28

ISPC Working Group on Long-Term Care meeting