All ISPC members should have received an invitation and the Zoom link for the meeting. If you did not, please contact Anne Scheetz ( no later than 6:00 pm on Friday, June 18.
At the meeting, we’ll hear from representatives from the Board, chapters, and committees.
Agenda for ISPC Annual Meeting on June 19, 2021 at 10:30 am to 12:30 pm
Welcome, reading of participant norms, and roll call. 10 min.
Approval of May Board minutes. 5 min.
Treasurer's report. 5 min.
ISPC Board election report and introduction of new board members.
10 min.
Short self introductions by new Board members. 10 min.
Thank you to out going Board members and any comments from them. 5 min.
Committee updates and reports. 5-8 min. each
-Disability and Long Term Care. Susan
-Membership. Bill
- Website and Social Media. Tim &
-Finance Committee. Ed
-Patients over Profits group. Nidhi
- Fundraising
Region reports. 10 min.
Thank you to Nidhi Shastri as our skillful, optimistic and caring organizer. 5 min.
Summary of votes taken between board meetings. 2 min.
Allies updates. 1 min.
Schedule of the next meeting. 2 min.