Meetings are open to all ISPC members. If you are interested in joining the virtual meeting, please email for information.
llinois Single Payer Coalition
October Board Meeting
Oct. 17, 2020 10:30- 12:30
• 1. Welcome and Roll Call
• 2. Approval of September minutes
• 3. Treasurer’s Report
• 4.:Subcommittee Updates
a. Disability and Long Term Care
b. Labour Committee
c. Membership Committee
d. Legislative Committee
e. Website and Social Media Committee
f. Finance Committee
5. Summary of votes taken between meetings
6. CRM Report
7. Discussion of Campaigns
8. Ally Update/ Medicaid Army of the Poor
9. Board Roles and Responsibilities
10. Contracting and Staffing
11. New Business/ Diversity
12. Adjourn