Public Comment In Opposition To The Proposed Federal "Public Charge" Rule

This comment was approved by the ISPC Board of Directors November 17, 2018, and submitted to the Federal Register November 19, 2018. 

The Illinois Single-Payer Coalition (ISPC) opposes the "public charge" rule.

ISPC organizes for a health care system in which every person who lives in this country is guaranteed access to high quality health care with no financial barriers or burdens; a health care system in which all of us together take care of one another, using the capacities of government of, by, and for the people to accomplish that purpose. We work to expand, not decrease, guarantees of public benefits and their use. 

No human being is a "public charge." We are sisters, brothers, and siblings. Thus we say, "Everybody in, nobody out!”

No human being is self-sufficient. Attempts at self-sufficiency result not only in inefficiency, but in the abuse of other people and of the planet. Inclusiveness, sharing, and collaboration are the route to a society and a planet that will be here for our children and many generations of grandchildren.

We submit this comment in solidarity for the health and well-being of all people.

The "Inadmissibility on public charge grounds" rule was proposed on October 10, 2018, by the Department of Homeland Security. Federal Register page accessed November 19, 2018, here